"Profondo Rosso", (also known as Deep Red or The Hatchet Murders), is the 1975 horror classic directed by Dario Argento, which earned him the title of “heir” of Alfred Hitchcock in the genre.
Marc, a young pianist, witnesses a parapsychologist being killed, but he cannot see the face of the killer. While he investigates the homicide, with the help of an attractive female journalist, also the people he encounters are killed, one by one. The truth is unpredictable. The film is the stylistic and creative climax in Dario Argento’s work, and marks the passage from his initial “thriller” period to the more distinguished “horror” phase. The film does indeed present aspects of both genres, making it a fairly intensive cinematic experience. The cast is excellent and the plot, though sometimes overcomplicated, offers some of the spookiest creations in modern suspense cinema. Finally, a special mention need to be paid to the soundtrack by the Goblin, which is exceptionally terrifying.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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